Mathias Stalås, Kahoona AB Apps

Calls Opt-Out 1.5.1
Efficiently block unwanted calls fromTelemarketing / Telesales / Scammers by ending the incoming call.We behind the application is against intrusive informationgathering, the Calls Opt-Out application does not collectinformation about you or your contacts. We see no reason for it,the only thing we want is to end and block unwanted phonecalls.How the application works.Scenario: you receive an unwanted call from a telemarketer. Toprevent future calls from the dialed number do as described: gointo the app and under the "Calls" view, you will find the unwantednumber. Click the line and select "Block", a new screen appears,type in who called and a brief comment, then click on the "Block"button on the bottom right, this number will now be added to thelist of blacklisted numbers.Next time this number calls you, the following will happen: yourphone will automatically hang up. It will erase notes about thiscall from your call history. Therefore you will never see or hearthat you have been called by this number. Just like it neverhappened :-)Want to see what calls your phone rejected then go in under the"Rejected view, where you can see what calls your phone rejects andlittle details like the number of times and the last date.By blocking a number you will share that number with others whohave the application installed. All users will help to collectphone numbers to each other in an effective manner.The list of unwanted numbers is synced in the background atregular intervals, this is done so that everyone will have a freshupdated list.For this to be possible the application requires some certainrights. Listed below are why these special rights are required:- READ_CONTACTS required for filtering out numbers that belongsto your existing contacts.- READ_PHONE_STATE / CALL_PHONE required when terminating incomingcalls- READ_CALL_LOG / WRITE_CALL_LOG required for displaying numbers inthe Calls view. Write is used to clean up after a number has beenrejected.- INTERNET required to sync numbers between the usersThe only thing that is collected is when a user submits ablocked phone number. For obvious reasons.Do not submit individual's telephone numbers to the list. We arenot interested in that number type. Blocking individual's isalready built in/supported in android by default.For more information go to http://coptout.comN.BTested in emulator on version 17(4.2.2) to version 23(6.0).All phone vendors have their own android implementationtherefore I can't assure that auto ending of calls will work. Itwill work on vanilla android on supported versions(read above)
Swedish coast weather 1.6.3
The application retrieves and lists the windobservations from lighthouses along the coast of Sweden ties.Application exists in English and Swedish.General values shown below respective lighthouse:Wind:- mean- gust- DirectionIf any will also display:- water temperature- sea levelTimestamps for last updated:- mean wind- gust windMap view:- The red/white arrow display the lighthouse position on themapStatistics view- Displays 24h wind statistics for selected lighthouseMenu:- Display the menu by sliding you finger from the left side ofthe screen towards the middle of the screen.Overview:- As it sounds, this shows all lighthouses that the app has accesstoFavorites:- Here are the beacons that you have chosen to add as favorites.You add a favorite by clicking the little star before thelighthouse's name. Removing the same.Settings:Here you can select which devices the data is displayed in:Wind:- m/s alt knots,Temperature:- Celsius alt FarenheitUnits:- cm alt inchThe server retrieves data with ~5 min intervals.
Coast weather
Coast weather winds, wind direction, water level and watertemperature